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Call 903-984-0501

"outdoor pole painting" Services in Cushing, TX has been our specialty.

Cushing, TX "outdoor pole painting" Services Done Right!
Choose a local Cushing, TX company that handles "outdoor pole painting" Services
If you need "outdoor pole painting" Services help..Call 903-984-0501
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About Woodbine Electric Company
Woodbine Electric Company provides top of the line service for all your outdoor pole painting needs in the Cushing, TX area. No matter what outdoor pole painting needs you have Woodbine Electric Company can help you. We have been help the Cushing, TX area community for years and enjoy getting to work with our clients in a relaxed and enviornment where our knowledge can really shine on the outdoor pole painting project. If you need assistance with any outdoor pole painting projects in the Cushing, TX area, please call Woodbine Electric Company at 903-984-0501 today!
What Makes Us Unique?
At Woodbine Electric Company we do not believe in over charging our customers or using a fancy vocabulary to scare you into buying something you do not even need in the first place. We believe in being upfront and explaining the details of the outdoor pole painting project in a way everyone can understand. Helping the community in the Cushing, TX area with their outdoor pole painting needs is what we truly care about we want our clients to be truly comfortable working with us, we are here to help and serve you not just make money. If you need assistance with any outdoor pole painting projects in the Cushing, TX area, please call Woodbine Electric Company at 903-984-0501 today.
bottom of unique
- Carbon Dioxide Detector - Install
- Ceiling Fan - Install
- Designer - Electrical Lighting
- Electrical
- Electrical Inspection Services
- Electrical Switches, Outlets, & Fixtures - Install or Repair
- Electrical Wiring or Panel Upgrade
- Fire Alarm Systems
Welcome to Woodbine Electric Company

Parking Lot Lighting has become increasingly regulated over the years and requires expert knowledge beyond electrical expertise to properly configure and install.  For many years, the bulk of regulatory codes mandated certain foot candle minimums for commercial parking lots to produce in order to ensure that parked cars were not obscured in shadows and so motorists could see clearly to drive.  Over time, however, more laws were passed to minimize glare that can distract drivers and cause accidents.  The most recent round of legislation has now swept the nation from coast to coast, requiring commercial parking lot lighting not only to produce a certain number of foot-candles and a minimum amount of glare, but also more tightly regulating the direction of the lighting itself so as to restrict luminance to parking areas only without spilling into neighboring streets, homes, and businesses.

Some Recent Projects
Woodbine Electric Company Collage

Contact Woodbine Electric Company

Thank you for visiting our outdoor pole painting website. Please contact us with any questions or comments about our outdoor pole painting products or services.





Woodbine Electric Company
Kilgore ,  TX   75662

We would love to solve your outdoor pole painting needs and provide you a Service unlike any other company in Cushing, TX could.